Middle & High School Students - Join us for virtual Leadership Sessions with business leaders who want to share timely and awesome topics with you!
GREG BEILMAN | MAY 12, 4PM CT Topic: Leading in the Medical Field STEVIE RAY | MAY 14, 4PM CT Topic: What's Your Leadership Style? AMANDA BRINKMAN | MAY 19, 3PM CT Topic: Doing Well by Doing Good STEVE DEITZ | MAY 20, 2PM CT Topic: Innovation Leadership-Inspiring Others to Carve New Trails & Discover New Territories JUSTICE PAUL THISSEN | MAY 28, 2PM CT Topic: Leadership is part of the Constitution, and civic service
Due to the governor's order to stay at home, we will be canceling our usual Court of Honor. The Scouts deserve to show off their awards, receive tremendous applause, visit with their friends, and feel more connected with each other. Our current standing is that a virtual event would not really satisfy the needs, so we will be waiting until the fall Court of Honor for recognition.
Some may look on this and be sad. Others could see an opportunity to receive recognition for multiple ranks, a dozen merit badges, outdoor awards, STEM awards, and a plethora of new skills. Instead of feeling trapped inside, seek out opportunities outside and try to expand your horizons. There are a lot of exciting possibilities. Join Scouts from across the nation in a huge event happening May 2nd at 10:00.
Camping tips! Physical fitness and community service! Skill development! (Moviemaking merit badge and STEM awards) Campsite competition! Virtual campfire From camp-style cooking and friendly competitions, to special guests and campfire singalongs, this virtual event will bring the best parts of Scouting to life. Help us continue Scouting's legacy and join us as we conduct Service-In-Place from April 24th through May 4th. SERVICE IN PLACE EVENT DONATE TO SCOUTING During these unprecedented times we need to be creative in how we conduct our Good Turn Daily, while still adhering to state and federal guidelines for safety. Service-from-Home is an opportunity for you and your family to do community service while still abiding by the stay-at-home order. Projects can range from cleaning the walking paths or parks in your neighborhood, creating cloth masks for donation to health care systems, or helping with a neighbor's yard work. No act of service is too small. A key component is recording and sharing your efforts. Your creativity and innovation not only support our communities and neighborhoods, but it also inspires others to act. Help us celebrate your service, and provide resources to others by recording your Service-In-Place hours digitally by using our Service In Place tracker. Join us to for a scavenger hunt and build a Rube Goldberg Machines!
Rube Goldberg Machine Rules A Rube Goldberg Machine is a machine that has several working parts that are set off in a chain reaction to do a simple task. Rules:
Looking to complete the Hiking Merit Badge?
Join us Saturday, April 25 at 10am to complete requirements 1a., 1b., 2, and 3 in a Zoom meeting with our troop's Hiking Merit Badge Counselor, Mike Lawrance. Join us to play a bunch of games
When: Friday, April 24 at 7:00 We plan to:
If you want to sleep outside, but do not have a tent you can use one of the troop's. Talk to Scoutmaster Holland if this is the case for you. Tenderfoot Rank Requirements
1b. - Virtual patrol or troop campouts via video conferencing will be permitted. 2a. - During the same day as your virtual patrol or troop campout, assist in preparing one meal with the help of those with whom you live. Tell your patrol or troop why it was important for each person to share in meal preparation and cleanup. 2b. - During the same day as your virtual campout, demonstrate the appropriate method of safely cleaning items used to prepare, serve and eat a meal. 5a. - Explain the importance of the buddy system as it relates to your personal safety on outings and in your neighborhood. Verbally commit to following the buddy system on your next troop or patrol outing. 7a. - Tell how to display, raise, lower, and fold the U.S. flag. Second Class Rank Requirements: 1a & 1c. - Virtual patrol or troop activities via video conferencing will be permitted. 3b. - Using a compass and map together, plan a 5-mile hike approved by your adult leader. 4. - Evidence of wild animals can be demonstrated with information or photos of your local area found online. 5c. - May be completed virtually via video conferencing on dry land. 7c. - Learn about the dangers of using drugs, alcohol and tobacco and other practices that could be harmful to your health. Discuss what you learned with your family and explain the dangers of substance addictions. Report to your Scoutmaster or other adult leader in your troop about which parts of the Scout Oath and Scout Law relate to what you learned. 8a. - May be completed virtually using video conferencing. 8d. - May be completed by comparing costs at three (3) online sites or locations. First Class rank requirements: 1a - Virtual patrol or troop activities via video conferencing will be permitted. 2e. - On the same day as your virtual campout, serve as the cook. Supervise your assistant(s) in using a stove or building a cooking fire. Prepare the breakfast, lunch, and dinner planned in First Class requirement 2a. Supervise the cleanup. 4a. - By drawing, computer software, or other virtual methods, plan an orienteering course that would cover at least one mile. Explain why measuring the height and/or width of designated items (tree, tower, canyon, ditch, etc.) is helpful. Explain how you would complete your course using a real map and compass. 4b. - Scouts do not need to follow their route. 5a. - Evidence of native plants can be demonstrated with information or photos of your local area found online. 6e. - May be completed on dry land. 9a. - Visit may take place virtually or by phone. 9c. - Outings can include past or future plans. 10. - Invite the potential new member to a virtual meeting or future activity using video conferencing. These requirement changes came from national's COVID-19 FAQ.
Monday, April 20 at 7:00PM on Zoom
Join us to do a scavenger hunt and build a Rube Goldberg Machines! -You can go ahead and gather some materials for the Rube Goldberg but do not start building until the meeting Rube Goldberg Machine Rules Description: A Rube Goldberg Machine is a machine that has several working parts that are set off in a chain reaction to do a simple task. Here is an example. Rules:
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